St Francis is the patron saint of animals and the environment.Husband Theo I know loves the environment, -he finds peace fishing in God's country and often has the exhilaration of finally catching that big one-taking only that which is allowed for food - for both his adoring cat as you can see and ourselves!
St Francis of Assisi is the church we will attend this holy day to give glory to God for all his goodness!
This evening we will enjoy the company of all our friends who come to St Francis in the evening for supper and games night.
Glistening in the April rain
Shining steps,
Beckon to praise the Master.
Earth soaks with heaven’s bounty,
Come, from four winds oh Breath,
Breathe a joy filled miracle of life-
Upon receptive earth…
My waiting heart,
Breathe a breath of life
Upon dry bones, tired bones, infirm bones..
Weary of strife
Seeking Your light.
Infinite Might!
Miracles on gentle breath.
Life and Light and Love.
Shining steps
How can I help but praise my Master!
Ezekiel 37:1-14: Come from the four winds , O breath, and breath upon these slain that they may live.. and the breath came into them and they lived, and stood on their feet...
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