Saturday, 16 April 2011

Telephone Talks, and Preparations

My World   

 So often going about my daily tasks, I wonder where I will get the strength to do what needs to be done, then when I am called upon to dig up resources I know aren't there.. I cry out to the ONE WHO KNOWS. and Miracle of miracles .. HE answers.. even in the seemingly smallest things of life.. but large on our hearts:

She cries when I answer the phone.
Children off to school..
And feeling so alone
How can I do this?
How to keep going?
..Heartsick in the knowing.
…Lord I’m tired too and..
I don’t want to talk..
How do I give what I haven’t got??
I remember that Voice
                                That still small Voice.
That calms me to stillness,
                          and brings me to fullness..
“I am here,
And I’ve got an ear..
I’ll lend it to you my dear.
It’s all I’ve got .
But the Master is here
He holds you near..
and together we’ll soak
under His infinite cloak
                       of loving kindness…”
Gloria Taliotis  
Feb 15 2011

Today I snuggle warm and  look out on a dreary April bush readying itself to burst forth in Easter parade of colour and joy, deer's white tail flicking through the bush as I startle her from her tender munching. Pet snow banks gloriously shriveling in the damp. If you're quiet, and look closely, you will see White Tail and her friend melding with the colours of early spring. All Heavenly Father's loving kindness to me.

Macaroons, which spread too much in the baking,  all laid in sweet rows and under cover, hid from inquisitive taste buds. 

I think of great outdoors preparing for celebration of spring time, Husband and I preparing for a great Seder supper -celebration of the passover supper in remembrance of our Lord's very special supper he longed to enjoy with his very special friends. 
Preparation for celebration,  joy in the making- no matter whether for long anticipated joyful gathering or every day quiet togetherness.

Nature and all family this week has been ensconced in preparation for celebration of life and love . Watching Grandson prepare for his piano concert, making sure each strand of long hair properly in place before the appearance. .. surety in his long hours of practice...and he did good!

All this preparation for learning  the caring of others... tender heartedness..

 .... All this under the infinite cloak of His loving kindness.

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