Sunday, 3 April 2011

A Hope Filled day

The way is dark and hard to find
But step by step that way is mine!
Oft times it seems so dark and drear,
But faith leaps…
Hope shines..
Love guides.
Even in the darkness,
Beauty binds all three
And if I wait
And ponder there,
At times, I see a rhapsody.

Gloria Anne Taliotis

Christian Hope is not a life without suffering rather triumph over suffering.
Delving deeper into hope.. allows us to revel at the banquet table in the midst of ..
The wedding banquet is going on right now!

And since we are to celebrate joyfully.. a little reminiscing.. about one Lord's Day,I know the angels will not forget.
This happened .. I can't believe it ..eight years ago when Andrew was four .. he is now 12 and a server in the Anglican church we go to. You must know that our priest's name is Canon Bain Peever. and Andrew at the time, a little slow in the language department

Andrew was in fine form this lovey sunny day in mid September 2003. Elena and Patrick, childless as yet, were down for part of the past week; Patrick to see how the salmon were running, and Elena to check out the gardens, catch up on the news, and reassure Andrew that in between their absences they would be present for him.

Elena and Andrew were chilling in the living room, listening to lively Christian music; Andrew  dancing around as he sang.. Suddenly he stopped, stretching out his hands, and raised them majestically in the air."I Bain " says he in his four year old most holy voice.  "We lift our hands to--ooo the Lo-orrd."

Elena didn't miss a beat:" We lift our he-art to the Lo-ord"
And Andrew resonated:"We thanks you fo-or the sun and the moon ....and the sta-ars."
Elena - tried to respond appropriately...
Andrew intoned:"We lift ne ne.. ne.. la.. de.. dub ...uh.. We wiggle our Bu-ums."
Elena, keeping on track: We wiggle to the Lo-ord."

Andrew -getting a little carried away in the spirit of things stumbled:"A-and we fall do-own... and we bu-ump our he-ads..."
Then he jumps up without missing a beat, and in a  most holy voice: WE LIFT OUR HANDS AND OUR HEARTS TO YOU, LORD!"

By this time Elena couldn't contain herself any longer and was strangely taking on the position on one of our dear Pentecostal friends.. What did we call them?? Holy Rollers?? .. David dancing before the Lord?? Anyways she was rolling on the floor with laughter as Andrew finished the Lord's day service for Bain... 
As I entered the room to see what the commotion was all about, they were both rolling on the floor with laughter, and I joined them there too weak to stand up. 
I'm sure our Mighty and Playful Father God smiled down on us.. and joined in the banquet of joy with a heavenly rhapsody.


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