Monday, 25 April 2011

Easter Monday

Flashes of Light  
Glimpses of Glory                                                                      
This is the way
God assures us His story.

It is finished...
What wonder!
How could I doubt…
What lies for me yonder?

Never a doubt
Of His infinite love
As pools of His grace
Descend as a Dove.

Flashes of Light,
Glimpsing His face.
My surety lies,
In this seal of His grace.
Light warm and gentle
Pooling with grace,
Flashes of majesty
With mercy embrace.

By the contrasting lights
Of Nature’s embrace
The light of His countenance
Mirrors my space

Look and you’ll see it,
On each other’s face.
Glimpses of Glory,
Reflecting His grace.

G Taliotis

Out of Darkness comes light 
Out of the dark tomb came Christ, 
Out of darkness sprouts the seedling...
I do not understand unaware ..will not not want go there...
I do not want to embrace that dark part before the light.
I want to clutch it to myself.. wallow in it... 
Or..... not be part of it at all...
   Embrace lightly: Open,
then fling free and wide...
to embarce that Light!
Emerge through the deep
to embrace the light...
if only I could look up and see..
It is hard. Hard life.
Out of life's sorrows, I reach past to embrace the light
but it is so hard.. Is it really there? the light?
Sometimes I do not recognize the light for what it is.. 
Like the disciples,
on the road to Emmaus,
Like Mary and the "Gardner - Rabonni"
Hard stuff, sometimes, to embrace the light..
Gloria Taliotis April25 2011

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