Thursday, 28 April 2011

Hope On A Dark Rainy Thursday

Your Son was spent.
The veil was rent.
Father-Glory Shine....
O Power divine!
Light our way 
As we Yield this day.
Lead us on, 

To your Glory beyond,
As kingdom hearts,
To us impart.
Gloria Taliotis 6 A.M April 28 2011

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

The Veil is Rent!! Meeting in the Holy of Holies

I know a place,
A secret Place,
Who shall trod there?...Solitary Spirit Chamber.
Sanctuary of Truth,
Communing with the Father, 
In the Spirit of Sonship.
Quiet repose,
Heaven's Light shining,
Countenance of Father,
Permeating Father-Love..
On favoured one.
In this place.
In this Place.
In This.
Place your hands,
In this place.. Holy Hands
HE is here..
        In this Place.
"Favoured One, Mine"
In this Place
Gloria Taliotis April 26 2011

Monday, 25 April 2011

Easter Monday

Flashes of Light  
Glimpses of Glory                                                                      
This is the way
God assures us His story.

It is finished...
What wonder!
How could I doubt…
What lies for me yonder?

Never a doubt
Of His infinite love
As pools of His grace
Descend as a Dove.

Flashes of Light,
Glimpsing His face.
My surety lies,
In this seal of His grace.
Light warm and gentle
Pooling with grace,
Flashes of majesty
With mercy embrace.

By the contrasting lights
Of Nature’s embrace
The light of His countenance
Mirrors my space

Look and you’ll see it,
On each other’s face.
Glimpses of Glory,
Reflecting His grace.

G Taliotis

Out of Darkness comes light 
Out of the dark tomb came Christ, 
Out of darkness sprouts the seedling...
I do not understand unaware ..will not not want go there...
I do not want to embrace that dark part before the light.
I want to clutch it to myself.. wallow in it... 
Or..... not be part of it at all...
   Embrace lightly: Open,
then fling free and wide...
to embarce that Light!
Emerge through the deep
to embrace the light...
if only I could look up and see..
It is hard. Hard life.
Out of life's sorrows, I reach past to embrace the light
but it is so hard.. Is it really there? the light?
Sometimes I do not recognize the light for what it is.. 
Like the disciples,
on the road to Emmaus,
Like Mary and the "Gardner - Rabonni"
Hard stuff, sometimes, to embrace the light..
Gloria Taliotis April25 2011

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Easter ....Light and Life and Hope

Easter has come! Light and Life and Hope...
Brings memories of years  gone by. Grandfather "went Home to be with the Lord", as he so desired, during Easter season several years after Grandma. A hope-filled time yet filled with angst for his weary and so worn earthly tent. Easter service was difficult for us  but we sang Easter hymns with joyful anticipation in hope of his resurrection, one day with Christ. Grandmother died during Christmas season. She who, despite all her earthly frailties desired to be a disciple of Jesus. Both great celebratory times to come more fully into the presence of Jesus. Always will I remember them on these special days, ever thankful that I can picture them joyfully celebrating on the other side of the veil.
Now  Dad and Mom are the ancient wise ones in our family... and I, I am becoming ancient if not wise.I hit the big 60 this past year. Dad waxes poetic at times like these, and often graces each of us siblings  with poetry of his own. I was much honored by these his words, and astonished, and humbled at how true.

 Swift fly the years
Joy filled,sometimes fears;
Even days of pain wracked tears.
Happy she who cherishing the good
Rejects lingering o'er the pains of weary days,
And presses on to grasp life's richest prizes:
Precious Memories, Treasured Love,
Well Done
Good and Faithful Servant.

From Mom & Dad Wark- Wishing you sweet content this day and the year ahead filled with satisfying accomplishment.

 And so I wish for you a hope filled year, embellished with satisfying accomplishment, as we continue on our journey after the RESURRECTION

Friday, 22 April 2011

Good Friday

April showers
bring May flowers...
Tin man's snowy wink
on laden  bowers
as fish line and cedar poles
of Husband's deer proof
garden safety net
sag low neath white spring showers,
Waiting for... well, April showers!
Trees furred with white
Jaunty and bright
Icing on crocus
Fluffy and light ...

 Still, the silvery shine
of tiny fish sublime
Glint in the eye of Husband mine!
Icing on crocus
              Fluffy and light ...
Seem to herald the rush
of this morsel divine.
Five pails... and many heads later
remind me of feeding of five thousand.
Thousands of fish from two, for weary hungry crowds waiting to be fed, soul and body both.
Son-of-God-man,on the hill that day...fed all. Another hill, another day,
Awake and sing!
Brought low this day
But High and lifted up...
For us, all for us!
You fill us with your Spring Spirit-food of hope
and melt the ice of life around our weary hearts.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Telephone Talks, and Preparations

My World   

 So often going about my daily tasks, I wonder where I will get the strength to do what needs to be done, then when I am called upon to dig up resources I know aren't there.. I cry out to the ONE WHO KNOWS. and Miracle of miracles .. HE answers.. even in the seemingly smallest things of life.. but large on our hearts:

She cries when I answer the phone.
Children off to school..
And feeling so alone
How can I do this?
How to keep going?
..Heartsick in the knowing.
…Lord I’m tired too and..
I don’t want to talk..
How do I give what I haven’t got??
I remember that Voice
                                That still small Voice.
That calms me to stillness,
                          and brings me to fullness..
“I am here,
And I’ve got an ear..
I’ll lend it to you my dear.
It’s all I’ve got .
But the Master is here
He holds you near..
and together we’ll soak
under His infinite cloak
                       of loving kindness…”
Gloria Taliotis  
Feb 15 2011

Today I snuggle warm and  look out on a dreary April bush readying itself to burst forth in Easter parade of colour and joy, deer's white tail flicking through the bush as I startle her from her tender munching. Pet snow banks gloriously shriveling in the damp. If you're quiet, and look closely, you will see White Tail and her friend melding with the colours of early spring. All Heavenly Father's loving kindness to me.

Macaroons, which spread too much in the baking,  all laid in sweet rows and under cover, hid from inquisitive taste buds. 

I think of great outdoors preparing for celebration of spring time, Husband and I preparing for a great Seder supper -celebration of the passover supper in remembrance of our Lord's very special supper he longed to enjoy with his very special friends. 
Preparation for celebration,  joy in the making- no matter whether for long anticipated joyful gathering or every day quiet togetherness.

Nature and all family this week has been ensconced in preparation for celebration of life and love . Watching Grandson prepare for his piano concert, making sure each strand of long hair properly in place before the appearance. .. surety in his long hours of practice...and he did good!

All this preparation for learning  the caring of others... tender heartedness..

 .... All this under the infinite cloak of His loving kindness.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Walking with Grandpa

April spring morning. bright crisp and clear
How can I stay in this house so drear!
Soup to be made for tomorrow's luncheon,
While i under  blue sky garden's compost a mulching,
Sun shining, earth fecund  and  beckoning
Miriads of flies humming sun serenades..
(It's spring in the bush, in the north, by a horse farm & I'm being positive!)
Mind tickling thoughts anxious for reckoning,
While husband and boys soak the rays and beckon the fish.
Last on the ice before it's just a wish
Walking on water, will all be  dream
As they wait for soon chirping frogs,
wet rushings, crisp sparkling joy
of swarming smelts into buckets and galoshes.

Helping the ancient ones on with their day.
as they themselves compost and stake
............................................and bake
..............................and walk and rake.
Pondering all the work they still do
Like clockwork as the seasons move.
Slightly slower but still faster than me..
How I do treasure their measure to be.
This brings to mind other springs past
In a flash of birthdays .. how have they gone so fast?
When many young generations go awalking with grandpa ..
In winter and fall, summer and spring
And on a today day bright crisp and clear buzzing with life..
Gloria Taliotis

And so I use one of Elena's Musings which I remember now!

Walking with Grandpa
Rolling eyeballs and wiley eyebrows,
Wriggling ears and twitching nose.
Chatting of life's brooding questions whilst shelling peas,
Walking with Jesus while collecting seed.

Sent to ponder big questions on walks through the bush,
Identifying trees though naked and without leaves.
Admiring the work of his hands, and how his hands look,
to tell how he's shaped me, would take a whole book.
Elena Taliotis Franklin

Sunday, 10 April 2011

To God Be the Glory

St Francis is the patron saint of animals and the environment.Husband Theo I know loves the environment, -he finds peace fishing in God's country and often has the exhilaration of finally catching that big one-taking only that which is allowed for food - for both his adoring cat as you can see and ourselves!

St Francis of Assisi is the church we will attend this holy day to give glory to God for all his goodness!
This evening we will enjoy the company of all our friends who come to St Francis in the evening for supper and games night.
Glistening in the April rain
Shining steps,
Beckon to praise the Master.
Earth soaks with heaven’s bounty,
Come, from four winds oh Breath,
Breathe a joy filled miracle of life-
Upon receptive earth…
My waiting heart,
Breathe a breath of life
Upon dry bones, tired bones, infirm bones..
Weary of strife
Seeking Your light.
Infinite Might!
Miracles on gentle breath.
Life and Light and Love.
Shining steps
How can I help but praise my Master!

Ezekiel 37:1-14: Come from the four winds , O breath, and breath upon these slain that they may live.. and the breath came into them and they lived, and stood on their feet... 

Friday, 8 April 2011

Angels Watch Do Keep

Today was a work out of the home day so come home tired!
Bright sun-shiny day- kids gamboling in the playground like lambs in the mud , coats thrown off , enjoying the suns rays.
All snow is gone in most of the town places but we, in the bush have lots yet. Another sleep will bring less... Still the sleeping bulbs are popping through the earth and tickling the snow with their green noses.

Sleep I need!

Calls to mind the night prayer from Hansel and Gretel for some reason. Maybe relaxing on the couch with the kids... My eyes fall on our picture on the living room wall of the sleeping small ones under an angel's wing...

When I was a child we had a set of old phonograph records of  the Hansel and Gretal opera by Engelbert Humperdink.. not the pop singer some of us old fogies know....Spanish eyes... The last Waltz.. no much older than that>> This Englebert was a German opera composer from the late 1800's.
Mom bought the treasures at a garage sale along with several other albums of recordings and ...a set of golden rimmed burgundy dishes from Germany we use to this day for special occasions at Grandma's house. When I eat off those dishes I remember times listening to the beautiful music of that opera on the record player
Bits and pieces of the opera have stayed with me all these years.. especially the lullabies and night prayers.
                                                      Gloria Taliotis

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


Starlight, shimmering bright,
Velvet blackness
of this dark but shining night.
Moon is high 
Sliver of silver
Sailing silently,
......gleaming over shelter of mine.             
Face uplifted to depths of night,
What's my plight?
Longing heart...
Who holds the world..?
Created myriad stars?
Pinpricks in velvet.
Wonder of wonders..
This broken  world.
Shimmering Light
Gleaming night.
Wonder surrounds the dark,
The heavens declare..
Son was sent,
Veil was rent..
Darkness spent!
Amazing grace,
....gently covering..
Gloria Anne Taliotis

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Hands of Love, Ageless Hands Throughout the Ages

Hands of love
Are all around us.
Hands of love
Enfold surround us.
Hands of love
To comfort, guide us.
Hands of love
To all provide us.
Hands of love,
That touch sublime,
Always ever,
Hand on mine. 
Gloria Taliotis
You are a Pearl of great worth in the Master's Hand

Monday, 4 April 2011

Hands of Love -Ageless Hands Throughout the Ages

My dad and his hands are 85 this year, and Andrew no longer lets me hold his hand. Time marches on and loving hands grow older and more knotted still..

Every school morning, Andrew, my grandson and I walk down our winding tree lined drive to catch the school bus. It’s a ritual which I feel honoured to have a part in. Soon these moments will be gone. They are like a reprieve given to me from another time and an earlier set of children of my own.
As a grandmother, when I hold Andrew’s hand, I always unconsciously hold his right hand as we gaily go down the drive reciting our verses. I think how the Lord holds my hand, my right hand.
The left hand of the one in authority seems to be the drawing out, sheltering, leading hand. We seem to be easier led when our right hand is held. It seems more comforting. It is more solid. It seems easier not to stumble. I hope I am that hand for Andrew and the rest of my beautiful lively gifts.
Early in the morning, before the day even was, God has control and none can loosen the grasp He has on me, nor take me from His hand. How amazing God’s word is at showing us even the smallest nuances of our lives. Little bits we don’t even think about. Little bits which are really too vast to think about but with which we are so vitally and deeply connected.
Because Andrew is still small he allows me to walk holding his right hand. Walking along the path of our drive with my hand in his and His hand in mine, I hope that Andrew will willingly transfer his hand into the hand of the Almighty along his life’s pathway.
Hope is an interesting thing. On this bright morning, it brings flashes of light so I can see those deep places of my spirit and my interconnectedness with God my Creator. A connectedness not just between myself and God, but from generation to generation, handing down the wisdom, the protection the true Spirit of God from left hand to receiving right hand.
I ponder the verse in Isaiah 44:3a: for I will pour water on him who is thirsty, floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, and my blessings on your offspring. They will spring up among the grass. Like willows by the water courses. One will say I am the Lord’s. Another will call himself by the name of Jacob. Another will write with his hand The Lord’s and name himself by the name of Israel (which means you have struggled with God and with Man and have prevailed.)
From the hand of my Heavenly father’s to my father’s hand. My father’s to my hand; my hand to my children and grandchildren. What a heritage!
And it is coming to pass! Before my eyes!
I see the left hand of my father. It is gnarled with hard work age and pain. In it he holds the right hand of his great grandson, my grandson. I am sure Dad’s right hand is nestled in his Father’s hand. I know my hand is. And we hold out ours towards a heritage to wonderful to fathom. What a picture! What a heritage and gift.
Today is Dad’s 82 nd birthday, and I am watching God’s promises come true.

Is 41:13 For I the Lord your God will hold your right hand, saying to you,” Fear not, I will help you.”
Is 43:13: Indeed before the days was, I am He, and there is no one who can deliver out of my hand . I work and who will reverse it?

Sunday, 3 April 2011

A Hope Filled day

The way is dark and hard to find
But step by step that way is mine!
Oft times it seems so dark and drear,
But faith leaps…
Hope shines..
Love guides.
Even in the darkness,
Beauty binds all three
And if I wait
And ponder there,
At times, I see a rhapsody.

Gloria Anne Taliotis

Christian Hope is not a life without suffering rather triumph over suffering.
Delving deeper into hope.. allows us to revel at the banquet table in the midst of ..
The wedding banquet is going on right now!

And since we are to celebrate joyfully.. a little reminiscing.. about one Lord's Day,I know the angels will not forget.
This happened .. I can't believe it ..eight years ago when Andrew was four .. he is now 12 and a server in the Anglican church we go to. You must know that our priest's name is Canon Bain Peever. and Andrew at the time, a little slow in the language department

Andrew was in fine form this lovey sunny day in mid September 2003. Elena and Patrick, childless as yet, were down for part of the past week; Patrick to see how the salmon were running, and Elena to check out the gardens, catch up on the news, and reassure Andrew that in between their absences they would be present for him.

Elena and Andrew were chilling in the living room, listening to lively Christian music; Andrew  dancing around as he sang.. Suddenly he stopped, stretching out his hands, and raised them majestically in the air."I Bain " says he in his four year old most holy voice.  "We lift our hands to--ooo the Lo-orrd."

Elena didn't miss a beat:" We lift our he-art to the Lo-ord"
And Andrew resonated:"We thanks you fo-or the sun and the moon ....and the sta-ars."
Elena - tried to respond appropriately...
Andrew intoned:"We lift ne ne.. ne.. la.. de.. dub ...uh.. We wiggle our Bu-ums."
Elena, keeping on track: We wiggle to the Lo-ord."

Andrew -getting a little carried away in the spirit of things stumbled:"A-and we fall do-own... and we bu-ump our he-ads..."
Then he jumps up without missing a beat, and in a  most holy voice: WE LIFT OUR HANDS AND OUR HEARTS TO YOU, LORD!"

By this time Elena couldn't contain herself any longer and was strangely taking on the position on one of our dear Pentecostal friends.. What did we call them?? Holy Rollers?? .. David dancing before the Lord?? Anyways she was rolling on the floor with laughter as Andrew finished the Lord's day service for Bain... 
As I entered the room to see what the commotion was all about, they were both rolling on the floor with laughter, and I joined them there too weak to stand up. 
I'm sure our Mighty and Playful Father God smiled down on us.. and joined in the banquet of joy with a heavenly rhapsody.


Saturday, 2 April 2011

House so Quiet...Andrew.. Sugar bush and Theo.. Ice fishing .. Me remembering...

So long ago now but always  clear in my heart! Snow is melting,, but always remains the remnants.

The house is quiet.. Things are not in order yet, but then what is order? Will things ever be the same? What remains is all I have of the grandchildren now that they are meandering over the long road to their home on this white and wintery morning.
Silas aged 22 months is so full of energy and ideas. You can see the little motors running full steam in his sparkling eyes.
Yesterday morning I heard the strangest squelching sound in the living room. Then I heard a slick squishing sound in the kitchen and a quick pitter patter of little feet flying over the carpet into the living room.
Turning from the phone, I saw no one.
I peeked into the kitchen and still saw no one. Then, a little blond sunbeam of a head at the kitchen island counter. Little searching hand reaching waaay up. Flutter flutter. Plop.
How could he reach that? How did he know what was there? What was going through his mind?
I rushed over just in time to see him grab a full hand yes.. of shiny yellow slick stuff. A handful yes ..of slippery margarine hanging from his fingers.. I rushed after him but was too slow for his pattering little feet.
Rushing after him in dismay, I followed him into the living room right to Theo’s big green leather chair. He got there before me... His art work was amazing. He slapped his next deposit onto the slippery swirls of shiny yellow margarine coating the entire green chair. Arms moving wildly to finish his handiwork before big nana reached him, he grunted with glee.
I collapsed beside him over come with hysteria. Do I scream or do I laugh? Had I ever seen such handi-work? Such total abandon to the task at hand. Such absolute joy in the tactile experience. ..
Giggles uncontrollably gushing forth, I cleaned Silas off with a tea towel, quickly ran to the kitchen to rescue the margarine, baby slung under my arm. ( he couldn’t cause anymore delight) Then another towel to erase the evidence before someone decided to lower his fanny on the chair.
Another towel full .. and some paper towels to shine it up. Wonder of wonders the cleaning and conditioning of slick yellow margarine on a green leather chair works deep-cleaning miracles like I’ve never seen before .. And cheap too!
So no, my house will never be the same. Neither will my heart!

Saturday Meltings!

Still the white banks are high, but listening to a
A myriad of running melting snow
sets my heart a trilling!

Dappled Brook
Merrily, merrily
Through the wood,
Gently flowing
Peace & Joy gently glowing
Ripples of peace
Droplets of Joy
Gently I listen

Friday, 1 April 2011

April -No Fooling!

big feelings…. that need wrapped up in  peace.
tin man that needs a new skin
grass that is loosing it's white fur coat
Swing coming out of hiding
Boys dancing on snowbanks
Cat pussyfooting around
Dainty feet flipping
gently over the snow to keep....
 will it hold??
walking on water
and not in....
Sap burbling up
from roots
April!! No Fooling!