Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Spring is in the air!

The sun was so sparkly today and the snow is melting nicely. Still large piles all around but I sense spring is in the air... and the sap is running! .. and husband of mine is ice fishing still...

This reminds me of the ups and downs the weather gives me along with special  moments that come as I desire brighter days.In this rent through the veil I received a Light to embrace:

..It is raining out! The season is midwinter, and the place Northern Ontario. Not only is it raining, lightening flashes light up the night sky, and thunder rolls wrecking havoc with our fragile telephone lines and fibre optic internet.

How is it possible that Theo plans ice fishing here and now? At present, he mourns his loss by plumping up the menu at our small-town Eatery, and making sure all are happy with the food there. If he can’t feed fish he’ll feed people. Echoes of a time long past tickle my mind.

I once again cozy up in my dry wooden house telling myself I enjoy not wearing my winter coat and reveling in the fact that I don’t have to dig my car out of the snow drifts. My special friend  has admonished me to put a positive spin on my days this year, so this is how I try.

Two days so different, yet with many similarities. That lovely day a year ago, dull and heavy, yet clothed with fluffy cold white surprised my dull spirit with an unexpected ray of warm golden light surrounding our home Today is dull warm balmy and wet shocking the darkness with mighty thunderous flashes which wither my spirit. Both unexpected.  Both out of place. But were these flashes of nature really out of place and so dissimilar? Both were a gift to a dreary mind. Both, I believe, a wooing of a Spirit mightier than mine to walk in the Light of His countenance.


Flashes of Light  
Glimpses of Glory
This is the way
God assures us His story.

It is finished...
What wonder!
How could I doubt…
What lies for me yonder?

Never a doubt
Of His infinite love
As pools of His grace
Descend as a Dove.

Flashes of Light,
Glimpsing His face.
My surety lies,
In this seal of His grace.
Light warm and gentle
Pooling with grace,
Flashes of majesty
With mercy embrace.

By the contrasting lights
Of Nature’s embrace
The light of His countenance
Mirrors my space

Look and you’ll see it,
On each other’s face.
Glimpses of Glory,
Reflecting His grace.

G Taliotis

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