Friday, 18 November 2011

Sunday Eucharist

In silence I sit,
Warm rivulets flowing,
          Streaming down cheeks,
                          Warm and pliant.
Rigidity released....
            Risk the abandoned flow!
Overwhelmed by being human,
           filled with Divine.
When out of my rut I risk the Divine.
           Oh the Mystery!
           Divine Delight,
As I gaze upon His face.

I'm being human 
Ruts turned to Risk
Bridging to 
G Taliotis. Sunday November 12 2011 11:45 a.m.

The Cross and Christmas

The Light of the World 
Shines in this dark place,
Expectant and yearning
Groaning with birth pangs.
Infinite Love,
Births from Eternity to Time.. 
World groaning with burdens.
Waiting, waiting 
A sign.

Groaning in agony on timeless tree
He takes it all on,
Darkness defeated,
Eternity is birthed into Time.
For love, all for love,
That I might have life and light from above.

I bow down in wonder
As Light pierces darkness.
My burden I lay down
I, I am lifted up
Up into YOUR love
Once more.
Fellowship restored 
To Dance , To Love
For Joy!
Gloria Taliotis November 2011

Principle and Foundation

I am called to be.
To be in loving communion
With the lover of my soul.
I am called to be, 
Always in the moment 
The Breathe of Life. 

All in life is gift, 
Tenderly drawing me inwardly, outwardly and corporately,
Into deeper enjoyment
True life in Christ.

God, in His great love is continually creating me as an image of Himself,
To reflect back to Him in my attitude, desires and actions,
All that is in Him and from Him.

The resurrection power which is creatively working in me,
is only inhibited if I am not in line with His working.

I am to be always and continually reflecting  back to Him,
that which He is creating in me.
I do this by dwelling in His love, acts of kindness, patience and love,
for my family and others in the world. 

I am worked from love, 
with love 
into love,
Which cannot help but flow from me 
as I mature into Christ's image. 
G Taliotis October 30 2011

In His Presence

Help me Lord just to be.
To be in the midst of your grace,
Mindful of your touch:
Deeply healing, 
            Powerfully building,
                             Grounded in righteousness.
Secure in the Master's hand.

Thursday, 10 November 2011


O Lord - Deep calls to deep!
You are too magnificent for words!
You draw me with strong chords
Of loving kindness and foreknowledge.
You prepare for me your way 
and fulfill my desires;
Even before I know my desires...
Even before I know what to ask.
Your steadfast love and mercy
Satisfy me and renew me
I soar like an eagle..... 

Psalm 103

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

In The Midst of Grace - Disposition Days

Help me Lord just to be..
To be in the midst of Your GRACE,
Mindful of Your touch:
Deeply healing........Pearl of great price,
Powerfully building........Walls of Jasper...
Grounded in righteousness,
Secure in the Master's Hand.

Gloria Taliotis Oct. 15 2011

Sunday, 16 October 2011

God's Grace at Dawn - Disposition Days

At peace in Your hand,
I meld to Your molding.
Anticipate and wonder....
...A little bit of angst Lord..
Just for spice and spark!

Here I am Lord,
As I sit and ponder. 
Make me ever mindful,
As you whisper words of love,
That YOU are the Potter,
And I the clay.

Gloria Taliotis October 10 2011

Monday, 3 October 2011

Grace In the Midst

It was late fall in southern Ontario at a wonderful retreat area called Crieff Hills. Walking along a path one misty cool morning with my friends, we came upon various nature scenes which called us to comment upon. One thing in particular that morning caught my eye and whispered to my heart. Stop; take note; there is a lesson for you to learn here. What was it? Slowly the lesson unfolded before me. Not all at once; bit by bit; one step at a time along the path. Let it settle and meld around you; become part of you.

Stark spindly bushes prolific with tiny juicy purple berries lined the path we were on. No leaves on the bushes, just branches filled with deep purple berries. From his perch on these bushes, a little bird cocked his head at me in a most jaunty way. As I drew near, half an arms length away, he was not perturbed, just plunged his perky little beak into the luscious purple berry on the branch.
I stilled and thought of that small tree. It looked unclothed, no leaves, stark against the evergreens. At a time when most fruit had fallen or been harvested, these branches held onto their abundance, offering it up to these perky little creatures full of anticipation, and joy in the receiving.

Focus again. A stark branch. The dressing and glory of leaves had been stripped away. But still there is abundance and beauty here. Sustenance for body and soul. I thought of being sifted as wheat- chaff from the grain, stripped of all that is not necessary but for sustenance and proliferation. Here is a frugal beauty that breaks the tree to its essence.

And the story of the fruitless fig tree comes to mind. It served a purpose as shelter. The beauty was there, but not the bounty so the tree was cursed.

At times I feel like that cursed tree. Held together by all the trappings and baubles of life, yet a sense of barrenness, angst, bleakness, pervades my life. 

Walking along I look again and I see a wooden cross. A cross of grace, I think, rising out of the rocks. And superimposed upon it is a little leafless scraggly tree, full of abundance, sustenance and life.  Startled, a question arises. Which tree am I?

By the grace of God, the meaningless baubles are being stripped away and the beauty and bounty of fruit, the essence of life, my life in Christ, is left behind.

Grace in the midst.

Gloria Taliotis
October 21 2006

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Healing Oasis - Pearl of Great Price

Quiet moments..
Resting in This Moment.
Relax and visualize.
Take time for.. You…
Open up and see where He leads. 

I visualize myself not coming to a temple or tabernacle or majestic building which houses the Creator of the universe, but to a very lush and green garden - an oasis, in the midst of busyness . There is a lot of turquoise here, flowers, jewels. The air is filled with a palpable love. It is all encompassing, so strong I can see it. Like a mist which surrounds me; strokes me with its permeating tendrils. A wonderful and warming light shines through around and within this mist of love, making it even more tangible and softly lovely.

It warms my skin with a soft and gentle kiss of welcome and love. It is almost as if the mist of love and light and grace mingles together in a liquid flow, tendrils searching out every part of my being.

From the mists moves the Creator coming to me with a gentle love - a being beyond comprehension. Yet- He is taking time for me… I am awed.
Humbly I bring my gift and lay it before him. It is encased in a small treasure chest which I have clasped to myself, fearful of losing it. I open it before this Creator of my being, hoping it will be acceptable. 

Inside the box, is my fragile inner spirit, that precious part that He had breathed into me.  I have nothing else to bring. Not that I felt I was worthy, but rather, since I was His creature whom He had created, I am bringing back myself to Him. He touches it lovingly and with great joy in his eyes.
He hands me a gift in return. I tremble at the significance I feel in this moment. After all He has done for me He has prepared another very personal gift. I reach out with open hands and with awe, yet assurance in my heart, of his wonderful love for me. 

It was a very familiar gift. In fact it is the very spirit I had presented to him. The one he had breathed into me at the beginning. He has taken it from my treasure box and coated it with a warm and glowing iridescent pearl.
He has returned my spirit to me not only made more beautiful, but resilient and sturdy , glowing with a soft light that reflected the mists of love and the light of grace. A pearl of great price, no longer in need of that cumbersome treasure box which always made me fearful in some way. 

I hold the pearl in my hand, no longer hidden and entrapped in the treasure chest. That treasure chest had been beautiful in itself, but the treasure inside was no comparison to the gaudy self-made beauty of the chest. There was no longer any need for that treasure chest.  He has made me beautiful in his love and created my spirit strong and resilient mirroring the grace of his love in the pearlescent glow that he has gifted me with- A breakthrough of His love, no longer hidden, glowing to reflect His love to all.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

In The Moment

From the stillness He comes
Beckoning me on, 
Calling my name,
Alive in the moment
Mercy and Joy,
Cherishing my heart, 
Nurturing my soul...
Remember this Place.
It awaits ...
At the edge of each moment.

Follow His voice..
He's calling your name.

Monday, 26 September 2011


Springing up from deep within, 
        Burbling .. Life,
              Springing.. Out.
                   Each bubble breathes,
                           And Life 
                                 Such Life..
                                     Within me rises.
                                                       New beginnings,
                                                       Rising up, And welling out,
            Always seaking,
                                                            Light ...
                                                                  and Life.
                                                                      Sparkling, shining,
                                                                              Onward flowing..
                                                                                Hope Springs!
                                                Gloria Taliotis     

Sunday, 25 September 2011


Gifted Glories Mine

Just as I Am
In the Silence He comes.
No Striving...
Tethered with cords of loving kindness
....In the stillness we meet.
Melding of Mighty God 
....and me....

Saturday, 24 September 2011


God's Presence in silence...
Velvet mist of stillness
Peaceful blanket of protection
Enveloping every fibre
Encircling every hurt and fear
In dense and hoary fog of forgetfulness..
as I rest..
within His Tender Mercies

Sunday, 26 June 2011

''Special O'' Track Meet - Beginnings

Hopeful faces,
Excited  brows, twitching high and low.
Anxious eyes, sparkling eyes
Lips never stopping... or reticent and unsure
Cheeks flitting with dimples,
                           -a frown line here or there...
Chins puckered,
...or - anticipation wagging them up and down.
Clusters of folks,
Circles of friends,
Voices and laughter.
         .........Smiles flitting with wings of anticipation.
Care givers giving what they've got,
waiting for the COACH !
....Silly, the COACH.. not coach.. 
-She's here!-
with movies... and a bathroom...
Coach has arranged it,
Can't wait to begin !
"Let me win and if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt!"
Motto brave and pure.
As they stomp up the COACH,
Reticence, flown on the wind.
Friends and field-play 
Food and fun.

North Bay Track Meet June 26 2011

Friday, 24 June 2011

Pentecost Season

"The resurrection does not replace the cross and thereby lead us into triumphalism . . . rather, it vindicates the the cross and leads us into humble service. It demonstrates to us that God's ways (often unpredictable, counter-cultural, beyond our comprehension and control) will finally triumph. Living this truth, however, requires patience, humility, and self-denial . . . even as we pursue our dreams, passions, and sense of calling in the world." Patrick Franklin June 16 2011
 These words of my son in law, in a letter to my dad the other day, brought me back to  that resurrection morning with the disciples. I am drawn again and again to the events before the cross, at the cross and then resurrection this season of Pentecost. 

Peter, James and John have seen beyond the veil on the mount of Transfiguration as they beheld the glorified Jesus talking with Moses and Elijah. Pentecost has come and the disciples have seen, touched and heard their Master.They have been empowered to spread  the good news of Jesus, God's son, given to us,- God's supreme love, to bring us into intimate relationship with Him- as  the Holy Spirit descended on them with tongues of fire.
These men -and Mary not long past, were at the tomb, wondering what happened... Ordinary people like you and me.  Each touched by agony of the moment. As I ponder this, I wonder, Who am I?
Peter who saw? 
John who believed?
-or Mary who wept, waited, searched and then went to tell?
Above all, there is humility in their agony- the agony of the resurrection. It seems all good things do not come without pain and humility.

Sometimes I feel like I have been in that agony of the resurrection all my life. That searching , that agony of not finding him- then glimpsing  His resurrection glory and surety of His love in my life. Then- plummeted to the agony again- so that I am not sure - of my love - or the love for me...
At this point, I become Peter who saw the empty tomb and went home.. with his feelings of shame, remorse, and desolation. So I see, and then go on with my life-knowing but not reveling in my Lord's glory of love, and resurrection life.-
.. Thinking... Let's get on with it - knowing, (-or rather, thinking I know) in my head what I must do, - desiring in my heart sooo longingly,  --- but at the same time, shutting off my hurting spirit. What must Peter have felt as he looked int the tomb, knowing he had denied His Lord 3 times before his death, after vehemently saying he would never do such a thing.... He probably wanted to run and hide- get away from it all...

Mary knew her limitations, was not afraid of them and lived in the "now" of her feelings.... knowing with a surety that she had been loved and healed but still, in the depths of  agony of not knowing what came next...

Peter and John did not want to... what-- humble themselves?  to face their agony. They went home. Mary stayed and cried out her agony. 
So often I pick up my socks - seeing and believing- but then I run home to safety, so I don't have to think anymore on my agony---put up the barriers and false strength to go on.

So today Lord, I am staying and being Mary- wishing with all my heart - to hang on to you.

Stay, rest in the moment. No getting up 
to run to security and denial.
Stay, till the work is done. 

Deep deep pain-- 
Brings more than abundant joy.
Flashes of joy, Glimmers of glory
Along the road.

And along the road ...
I meet ...God's fishermen!


Thursday, 16 June 2011

Wind of the Spirit

I seem to be stuck at Eastertide this year.,, So many thot's about resurrection power and the veil being rent to allow new dimensions of love and life!

While walking by the lake and enjoying the breeze gently, then not so gently, blowing the green bows of early summer, I got to thinking of the mighty Wind of His Spirit given to us in fullness at Pentecost.

I and my sister here on the Island, do not much like the wind - she has to put up with it as lake winds rush mightily across her yard; I hide in my bush where winds are gentled and  caught by the mighty pine and whispering aspen,- so do not blow quite as hard on me. For both of us, days are made by how the wind blows in many ways... and today, wind blows with not so much pollen, as tender aspen and maple flutter and sing.

As I write this, I am also reminded of the differences of the winds of nature, the world and the winds of the Spirit. CS Lewis put it so well.. The road to living by the wind of the Spirit is in this statement:
The real problem of the Christian life comes where people do not usually look for it. It comes the very moment you wake up each morning.
All your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals.
And the first job each morning consists simply in shoving them all back, in listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view…Letting that other larger, stronger, quieter life come flowing in. And so on, all day.
Standing back from all your natural fussings and frettings
Coming in out of the wind.” ~C.S. Lewis
Acts 2:2 ESV
And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.

I do not like the wind My Lord,
But I have learned to love it!
You have shown me..
Dancing with joy and laughter,
Pulling tricks- a gammon of delight,
Joying in it's Master.
Leading the way
To calming peace and rapture!
Breath o breathe,
My Love,
The Wind of Your Spirit,
On troubled soul herafter,
As I yield to your Wind 
Calling to me... 
                        and to you...
To join life's dance with the 
June 2, 2011 Gloria Taliotis

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

My World

She cries when I answer the phone.
Children off to school..                  
And feeling so alone                                               
How can I do this?
How to keep going?
..Heartsick in the knowing.
…Lord I’m tired too and..
I don’t want to talk..
How do I give what I haven’t got??
I remember that Voice
                                That still small Voice.
That calms me to stillness,
                          and brings me to fullness..
“I am here,
And I’ve got an ear..
I’ll lend it to you my dear.
It’s all I’ve got .
But the Master is here
He holds you near..
and together we’ll soak
in His infinite cloak
                       of loving kindness…”
Feb 15 2011
Gloria Taliotis     

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Evening Walk

We have escaped like a bird   from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have escaped! 

Psalm 124:7

 We went for a walk tonight,

My Lord and I,

Wonder, awesome sights we saw

Lover of my Soul and I.

Wind splaying on liquid silver,

Skipping swirls upon the water- without the pebbles, Lord!

Awesome you are!

"I made this place for you my love,

Come to the labyrinth of love and put your burden down.

Start at the east and turn,

Turn towards my resurrection love and life.

I wait for you my love, 

At the centre of encircled love.

Centre yourself in me."

..........All around majestic pine

Gracefully waving,


                                dancing on your breeze.

 Soughing,whispering hymns of praise, 

to Creator and created both;

Joyful waves of mighty boughs

join rippling silver shine.

"You are mine my love,                                                     

I made this all for you. my love.                               

Come join my symphony of joy.                          

Joy in My Grace, 

Joy in My Love.                                            

Come join me in peppermint candy tea!!"


         Light shines on you,

        Peace surrounds you,

        Love enfolds you.

Gloria Taliotis,June1 2011

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Whisperings of Love

This musing came to me as I was on silent retreat, looking out at the pine cones dancing in the breeze, out my cottage/hermitage-window, and meditating on  how truly deep God's love is for me. When my eyes are open to this, I am in awe and reach out in joy as Mary Magdelene did when she realized that Christ was right there before her- and she whispered:"Rabboni"
-Sometimes, the whisper is the deepest expression of a deep emotion true and pure.

And now as Pentecost arrives wait in awe again as more of His love and life enfolds before us.
Bright pointy Pine cones..
New seedlings,
                   Joying in life.
Dancing on wind,
Waving in sunshine,
Weaving on  breeze.
Fruit of the Branch!
Child of the Tree.
Nourished with well-springs
Of surging, life-giving sap.
Deeply rooted by waters of Life.
What are you here for?
This moment in time...
But to grow, burst with life- abundant and true,
Strengthened with winds of time and tumult,
Then fall and crumble- sink into earth,
Fecund earth,soft receptive soil.
               Enfolded in
                                             Dark Night of Earth.
Agony, waiting, longing...
.... A glimmer, a wonder..
A bursting forth.
Small seedling,
Majestic Pine.
                   Life- to my soul.
Whose design is this?
Whisper it to the world.
Gloria Taliotis June 1 2011
Hosea14:8. O Ephraim, what more do I have to do with idols?
I will anwer him and will care for him. I AM LIKE A GREAT PINE TREE, your FRUITFULNESS comes from me.

Amplified Bible (AMP)
Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols? I have answered [him] and will regard and watch over him; I am like a green fir or cypress tree; with Me is the fruit found [which is to nourish you.
Gleenings on the Pine Cone.
Ancient spirituality makes connections with the pine cone, one of the most ancient fruits on the planet. Throughout.the ages the pine cone has been a symbol of human enlightenment. There is a story that the Pine Cone was actually the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that was eaten by Eve. 
Some ancient cultures consider the pinecone symbolic of spiritual ascension and immortality. The Bible mentions pinecones on several occasions. One of these is the story in Genesis 32 of Jacob wrestling all night with God. Jacob, now Israel, calls the name of the place Peniel, for " I have seen God face to face, and my life was preserved. And as he passed over Peniel, the Sun rose upon him." The literal translation of the word peniel here is "face of God".
The pineal gland, at the  centre of the human brain is shaped like, and is named after the Pinecone.It is linked to the body's perceiption of light. It modultaes our sleep patterns  It is islolated from the blood /brain barriersystem and receives more blood flow than any other area in the body except the kidneys.
It is extremely affected by light, and takes action according to what it senses. Similarly, pine cones will open themselves up to the sun’s rays, and close up during cloudy or stormy days. Sunny days offer conditions for the tiny seedlings nestled in the scales of the pinecone to become airborne more easily.  Damp or rainy days have  poor seed spreading conditions so the pinecone just closes during these weather conditions.

As I watch the pine cones floating on a breeze , I sense a whispering of God's light and love nourishing my inmost being... and I catch glimpses of the face of God.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Even Song

Golden Fire of Son
On my window hovering,
Piercing through clouds of grey,
Shine your rays upon me pray.
Burning, blinding, purging Light,
But for a moment, before the night,
Then rest beneath your covering.

Shimmering clouds, silvery bright,
In the shadows made by Light,
Peace, my soul, at rest- respite,
Whispering Aspens herald the night.
Gloria Taliotis
June 8,2011

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Quiet Places

Sometimes God calls us to stay....
even if it is in the agony .. until He is finished working...
When we are lost, we need to be still
             so that we can be found ...even in the dark....
In the dark starts resurrection work.
Seedlings sprout!
Renewal starts
God longs to do deep resurrection work..
....Stay til the work is done
Embrace the now....
Hold it close.
Know it.
Then release.
Arms open wide..

Deep deep pain  ....births wellsprings of abundant JOY

Calm after the Storm. June 1 2011. G. Taliotis

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Lean Hard

 Whenever trying times tend to overwhelm me I learn to Lean Hard!
..........And joy in His wondrous  Gifts.
This tree of Life blossoms at my sister's place on Lake Mindemoya.

Lean Hard

Child of My love, lean hard,
And let me feel the pressure of thy care;
I know thy burden child,
I shaped it.
Poised it in Mine own hand, made no proportion
In it’s weight to thy unaided strength;
For even as I laid it on, I said:
“I shall be near, and while you lean on Me,
This burden shall be Mine not yours;”
So shall I keep My child within the
Circling arms of My love.

Here lay it down, nor fear
To impose it on a shoulder which upholds
The government of the worlds.
Yet closer come;
Thou art not near enough,
I would embrace thy care
So I might feel My child reposing on My breast.
Thou lovest me?
I knew it. Doubt not then;
Loving Me,
Lean hard.

 From an insert in an old Bible of my Dad’s from bible college days I think circa 1945

Cast thy burden upon the Lord and He shall sustain thee” (Psalm 55:22).
“Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
The original piece was written by Octavious Winslow (1808-1878)
in “Christ’s Sympathy To weary Pilgrims”.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Hope On A Dark Rainy Thursday

Your Son was spent.
The veil was rent.
Father-Glory Shine....
O Power divine!
Light our way 
As we Yield this day.
Lead us on, 

To your Glory beyond,
As kingdom hearts,
To us impart.
Gloria Taliotis 6 A.M April 28 2011