Wednesday 25 April 2012

Why Do You Weep? An Empty Tomb, Womb of God

John 20:11-18

Why do you weep?
Not like the first gestational womb..
Mysterious, nurturing,moistly dark.
Host of angels ushering birth..
 Of eternity to time.
Eternity squirming and new..
Encased and bound in human form...

Why do you weep?
Two angels-glorious intangibility..
But touching heart and mind..
Shimmering majestic purity and light.
Eternity feathering dust and decay,
Holy midwives birthing the old away.

Why do you weep?
Whom do you seek?
Do not cling to dust and clay..
Turn and see..
With un blinded eye...
Blossoming in you.

The Dawn of God.

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